PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

JustDeepIt 0.2.6 a GUI tool for object detection and segmentation based on deep learning 2024-07-09 17:43:32
yogo 1.0.0 The "you only glance once" object detection model 2024-06-23 18:11:48
lsnms 0.4.4 Large Scale Non Maximum Suppression 2024-03-17 19:38:47
perfectcrop 1.1.1 A video cropping tool for artists that detects an object, finds the average center pixel of the bounding box, and crops out from center without a decrease in video quality. 2024-03-04 05:44:41
ImgVidObjectsDetector 0.4.1 Single class automated annotation tool using OpenCV 2024-02-24 00:02:54
unipercept 5.1.3 UniPecept: A unified framework for perception tasks focusing on research applications that require a high degree of flexibility and customization. 2024-02-23 15:38:12
YOLOLogic 2.1.2 An educational module for experimenting with the YOLO logic for multi-instance object detection and for generating region proposals with graph-based algorithms 2024-02-21 05:17:09
mmdet 3.3.0 OpenMMLab Detection Toolbox and Benchmark 2024-01-05 06:25:32
unicore 2.0.0 UniCore: Unified Perception Core Library 2023-12-06 11:42:22
pycvtool 0.0.2 Deep learning tool for computer vision 2023-10-03 06:32:34
cvtool-python 0.0.2 Deep learning tool for computer vision 2023-10-03 06:15:55
bm2bbox 1.0.4 Converts binary mask files to geojson files containing bounding boxes 2023-09-20 09:54:20
bbox-merger 0.0.11 This Module will help you out in merging your bboxes if overlaps 2023-09-06 10:04:48
mmyolo 0.6.0 OpenMMLab Toolbox of YOLO 2023-08-15 05:22:12
pyOpenAnnotate-xlabd 0.4.1 Single class automated annotation tool using OpenCV 2023-07-28 12:29:51
Thya 0.0.3 ThyaTechnology SDK 2023-07-13 14:35:00
kenzy-image 1.0.0 Computer Vision module for Python 3.x+ to perform face/object/motion detection and recognition. 2023-06-25 20:09:08
bboxconverter 0.1.9 Converting bounding box annotations to popular formats like a breeze. 2023-06-09 21:47:42
ElectronCounting 1.0.0 Count single electron in direct electron detector data 2023-05-21 17:23:49
hive-maia 1.1.1 Python Package to support Deep Learning data preparation, pre-processing. training, result visualization and model deployment across different frameworks (nnUNet, nnDetection, MONAI). 2023-04-19 13:57:39
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